A gold rush in Ghana
According to Bloomberg News, Chinese miners have http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-10-08/ghana-s-gold-sparks-conflict-with-illegal-chinese-miners.html rushed to Ghana. Just as with American 49ers in California, the environmental results are not pretty.
Ghana is Africa’s second-largest gold producer. It was the original “Gold Coast” that Europeans ventured to 500 years ago, looking for the source of the gold dust that showed up in Morocco and Algeria after being carried across the Sahara on camels.
And as in California 160 years ago, the rush is violent:
In July, Chinese men mining near the village of Manso-Nsiana fired warning shots when residents protested their presence, Koffi said. He couldn’t confirm a report published in Accra’s state-owned Daily Graphic newspaper in July that two Chinese nationals have been killed this year in a mining dispute.