
Boston pawnbrokers save the day, a website for serious photographers, alerts us to this heartwarming story that will resonate with many, many visitors to Maui who have lost cameras — to trunk poppers or otherwise.


A Nikon D3100

A Nikon D3100

Someone found a camera left on the Red Line and brought it to Michael Goldstein at Empire Loan. The con artist didn’t know what he had or even how to turn it on. When Empire’s alert pawnbrokers began asking questions, he fled, leaving the camera.

Goldstein then used photos in the camera memory to sleuth out the owners, who had posted a lost-and-found appeal on Craigslist. He is shipping the camera to them at their home in Spain.

Image-resources has some good advice for vacationers and their cameras, including this one:

Get a card reader for your tablet or smartphone and use it to back up your photos while you’re on vacation—that way, if the camera gets swiped, at least you’ll still have your shots.

Honeymooner alert: We cannot recall all the pathetic appeals over the years from honeymooners on Maui who lost (usually, had stolen out of their rental car) their wedding photos. Listen to Liam McCabe at image-resources. It couldn’t hurt.

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